I am a ( Being ) from parts unknown, I am here, I am there, I am everywhere., And I am coming to your part of the world., I am ( GOD ),I will becoming to ( YOU ) in the form of ( MAN ) I call myself ( GODMAN )., TO protect my ( LIFE ) I get it in, To preserve my ( MIND ) I get it in, To preserve my ( YOUTH ) I get it in., I will be bringing the ( GODMAN SHOW ) to ( YOU ).,A Show about ( LIFE )–( LOVE )–( HAPPINESS )., I will be telling ( YOU ) about ( PURE GENIUSES ) rising–( YOU ) have ( MARK HAMILTON ) –( THE NEOTHINK SOCIETY )–( THE TWELVE VISIONS PARTY )., Who with ( YOUR ) help and mine, we can create a better world than the one we live in now!., A world full of peace, prosperity, tranquility, joy,happiness for everyone., A ( WORLD ) where all the people are ( RICH ) including the ( POOR ).,I am glad I have people like ( MARK HAMILTON )–( THE NEOTHINK SOCIETY )–( THE TWELVE VISIONS PARTY ) on my side., They all have a ( PURE HEART ), They are creators on our ( PLANET )., What are ( YOU )?., Is your heart ( PURE ) enough to help ( GOD ) create a better world for our precious ( LOVE ONES ) here on ( EARTH? ), Known as the Civilization of the ( UNIVERSE )., Join me by watching over ( YOURSELF ) and ( LOVE ONES )., keep yourself in a positive frame of mind at all times, stay away from anything that is harmful to ( YOU ) including negative thoughts because they grow and start festering in ( YOUR MIND ) and corrupting ( YOU ) from within., If ( YOU ) ever come in contact with ( MARK HAMILTON—THE NEOTHINK SOCIETY and THE TWELVE VISIONS PARTY ) Join Them and Travel into ( THE CIVILIZATION OF THE UNIVERSE )., I will be waiting for ( YOU )., Who I am, I am ( GOD )—I call myself ( GODMAN ).