So what can Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society do for you? Well that is a question we all must discover for ourselves on this journey toward knowledge. I believe I can help you with the above question by telling my story. My story begins in Fall of 2009, the Neothink society had a obtained a profile on me, back then the society was only open to members and their immediate families, I had been “adopted” into a family so to speak, that had no heir, little did I know my godfather was a society member.
Where exactly was I? I was stuck in a rut. I had a construction career I was very good at. I had finished a 4 year trade school in 2 years. I had maxed out my income and was just stuck by summer of 2009 I felt the need to do more, but had no idea why. I felt this need to become more, to do more with my life, to have more. I know you feel the same, Mark Hamilton and the society taught me that this is our human nature, to want to continue to grow and create more for others and ourselves. You see I felt deep in my soul something was missing; something great I was created to do with my life was waiting for me. I was happy, healthy and prosperous, but spiritually and emotionally I was dead. Do you know what I mean? It’s that empty feeling you have, you try to fill with just about anything you can find from religion, to love, to money, to service, etc.
Well fast forward to the present, with this literature I have found that my essence is healthcare. Utilizing techniques Mark Hamilton and other Neothink society members taught me I have begun to live what can only be described as a magical life of prosperity. Literally overnight, my reality changed, I went form that dead end construction career to studying my essence in healthcare in ONE DAY! I was fired and the same day, minutes later, I got a call from my current college offering me the opportunity to obtain my credentials. I am growing each and every day I work toward a new and exciting goal of founding a Neothink oriented Hospital for the betterment of mankind’s health, wealth, and peace. I am not yet rich, but I am wealthy beyond measure. I want to thank the Neothink Society founders and Mark Hamilton for teaching me what it means to go from existing to living and thriving. If I were you I would give these teachings a try, Mr. Hamilton offered me a 100% money back guarantee when I paid to have my manuscripts printed, but I would not trade them for all the money in the world. Within them is a 3,000 year old secret, that brings any human willing to learn, from existing to creating, living, and thriving. I so look forward to mentoring you and seeing you obtain the love of life and happiness I have.
With all love and sincerity,