A Prime Number – U2U

As a child I learned to “tear-down” and “re-build” engines. I wasn’t afraid to “get your hands dirty” because I understood that my family’s wealth came from physical movements that required a keen mind and a smile to share with another. I loved to hear the chirp of a fascinating “black snake” that let me know a stranger had arrived who “needed a helping hand”. I could leave the bay to wash windows and it was all child’s play and “the way of the world” at a service station.

Tear-down, re-build, having dirty hands, waiting on others, washing windows, were all part of my Dad’s calling. He loved being a mechanic, and being in business for himself to support his family. He had stress and success. He felt the “weight of the world” on his shoulders and he could “hear a pin drop” to solve problems. He felt good when we children were elated with what his money could buy for us.

I learned about love (the reflection of happiness), happiness (came from creating values for others) and pride (which came from inside by knowing one did well) from my Dad’s family business and the “way of the world” that we shared with customers.

I learned how to take “the weight of the world” off my shoulders by using Mark Hamilton’s Mini Day and Power Thinking Team to rediscover my own passion, lying deep inside of me. Many “go on to school” to find their own way often only to find a “well-traveled road” full of “empty promises” leading to a “dead-end job”.

Mark Hamilton teaches you to uncover your Friday Night Essence—it’s always been within—you don’t need a looking-glass anymore. Still your mind: what did you love to do? Make no excuses and accept none if it’s deemed by others as “a lofty goal”. Begin to build yourself up—don’t tell yourself “No!” simply “go with the flow” as energy begins to naturally grow. Feel exhilarated for what you’re creating as your life “takes a turn” for the best! No matter your age—get out of the box, as you head for a home run! I can’t help but believe that Mark Hamilton knows “Charity starts at home” as he has helped so many see the power of one. Individuals prospering and living happily creates strong families and nations.

Be that one little candle that can light an entire room rather than a candle snuffer. Join Neothink® to nullify negativity as you gain happiness, love and pride that’s been resting deep inside. I personally thank Mark Hamilton for reminding me of the purpose of human life: To Prosper and Live Happily. I feel like I’ve been in the best higher education institution for the past several years as a member of The Neothink Society® as I re-discovered what really matters to me is protection of my own country’s wealth which is created by individuals. Never give yourself to another’s desires unless they are also your own. What do you desire? Is it Happiness and Prosperity or Sadness and Poverty? One man or woman cannot solve the economy it takes millions of freed geniuses to bring more good things to life!

The world is better filled with more winners than losers! Mark Hamilton’s Prime Law of Protection will allow each individual to Prosper and Live Happily as a Winner bringing greater prosperity to one country-after-another instead of one country pitted against another! The Prime Law, The 3000 Year-Old-Secret, brought to you by the Prime Law Movement, the Twelve Visions Party, is the solution you’ve been searching for!