I found in the Neothink Society and Neothink data, the agreement to help remedy

All through my life, I kept experiencing a ‘Bottom Line’ that seemed to diminish, take-away-from, rain on my parade and even threaten my physical and especially my financial survival. After, getting sick and tired of being sick and tired of this, I began my research on what is this thing or things that always seems to get the best of me no matter what outstanding effort I put forth to counter-react it….So, after fifty years or more of careful notes and documentation, I have the following to share with all of you. It appears that while I was trying to find ‘total honesty’ which led me to the Neothink Society and Neothink by some luck of the draw, as so to speak, they were looking for me, lucky me!

THE BOTTOM LINE: On this planet there appears to be more negative than positive pull in all directions, up, down, side to side, inside-out and upside-down. Most of the people I encountered were more negative, had more problems than solutions for them and often, were problems for society as well as for themselves and their families. Most of the situations I encountered were difficult to handle, nothing appeared to be streamline, even when the appearance dictated that there was no situation to handle but the facts and evidence was clear there was a situation and/or situations to handle, there was this sick, almost science fiction denial of plain facts. What was even stranger is this: Silly me, I would attempt to show the way, point to the facts and/or way to handle a given situation within and given the means for the guidelines for handling a particular situation but the parties that be, would either blatantly deny or would consistently take the longer less efficient route rather than the proven and even factual route. I found this to be so insane, especially when certain things were written down for easy following. The bottom line was always present like a ‘ghost’ creating a desire to purposely do it the wrong way.

And, the majority of the people I met, became friends with, it would always come to an end with the feelings oh, we just outgrew each other or we are taking different paths, now, etc. Sometimes, I even felt, why get friends it will end…this toyed in the back of my mind for the longest time…some said to me that if you have five (5) friends in a given life time you would be lucky, or it is ‘lonely at the top’. I could not buy this at all and kept diligent effort in creating a close network of friends, especially my musician friends, because there was something about ‘music’ that contributed to keeping longer lasting friends. Who cares about being at the top and being lonely, so I began to make compromises to fit in somewhat. My church or religious affiliation friends were all committing all kinds of ‘things you are not suppose to do’ and wondering and even asking me ‘what was it that God didn’t give them’ to leave them in such a weaken and less motivated state of mind. I personally, left my church and had to tell them “If Jesus was here, he would probably leave or you would run him away”.

Well, needless to say, this contributed to even a greater drive to find out what this common bottom line was that was constantly weaving itself in everybody, everything and every action. What is it?

It wasn’t until I started reading Neothink and is also referred to as Neothink, that I found out what that ‘bottom line’ is and how to keep it from affecting my precious life so often and so much in so many ways. I would highly recommend anyone who has not read Neothink to find out how to connect with the Neothink Society and get started and find out what this ‘bottom line’ is and how to protect yourself and your love ones from the ‘bottom line’!

I am happier now that I know what that ‘bottom line’ is and that there is a society, the Neothink Society which has helped me with knowledge and information to help keep the ‘bottom line’ from destroying me, my family and my love ones….


As a small child, it was the custom in our Southern Community to bring our ‘dearly departed’ home for viewing and/or watching after they were deceased. I believe some call this a ‘wake’. Although, I never saw any dead body awake. Of course, as a child this was always such a negative thing for me to experience, because it was usually my home and my front living room…
I remember saying to my grandmother – I don’t like this at all and it scares me and that old, tall ugly looking man, why is he looking at me….and so on, and so on. And, this was my first meeting of the town’s funeral director….Of course, my grandmother always had a way to smoothe things out and give them some kind of validity. First of all, she would say, ‘Honey it is the live ones you need to be affraid of not the dead ones and that tall gentleman there, he is doing us a service. As always, people die, more wakes, more funerals until some of us kids got really tired of being scared so we moved the hands of one of the ‘dearly departed’ while in his casket for wake viewing and created quite a turmoil. My grandmother, comes running out-of-the living room, yelling ‘Homer’s done moved’. After that, we kids did not experience as many wakes as before in earlier times and our sense of humor helped us face death. In one of those moments I remember feeling that I wanted to live forever and I did not plan to die and no way was I going to have a silly old wake so people could stare at me, and so on and so on.,,

So, as time progressed, I began to see the connection between death and the ‘bottom line’. This was a true revelation for me or should I say ‘resurrection’…And, with the help of modern scientists, researchers and doctors at the cutting edge of technology, I can truly see and comprehend the possibility of longer and eventually longer and longer longivity, the cure for more diseases which use to take us to the grave, now we had the cures some being natural and alternative ones as well as medical cures. I began to see that my childhood thought and dislike for death and all that it stood for was shared by others who believed in life and living as long as one could possibly live. I realized after reading Neothink that I was not alone in this thinking and that there was technology, Neothink to help give direction in this endeavor of living longer and longer with good health and even going in the direction of my childhood thought of ‘living forever’. Also, since being involved in the Neothink Society and having access to a higher level of knowledge, (and we know knowledge is power), I have become healthier, with some of the alternative natural resources as well as some of the newly medical discoveries available to me.


Man Oh Man, I carried this around with me like a backpack until now. Through-out my working years, I worked so hard, so long, so many overtime hours, sometimes two (2) to three (3) jobs at a time, more than one (1) profession. “What gives here?”, would be the question which kept pounding in my brain…After reading about the business dynamics in Neothink, found the real ‘why’ or bottom line to this. Before, learning this data/business information in Neothink, every time I had a little bit of savings something like an unforseen car repair or house maintenance would take that savings in an instance and sometimes even more.

People in my life would admire me but I knew that I had not found it yet although I would proudly admit to the following jobs and/or professions: Professional Musician, Music Teacher, Composer, Writer, Bandmaster, Choir Leader, Night Club Jazz Player, Dixie Land Jazz Player, Performer, Actress, Model, Paralegal, Legal Word Processor, Legal Deposition Clerk, Legal Secretary, Entrepreneur on Internet-not totally financially independent yet, Waitress/Server/Supervisor of various eating establishments, Pizza Hut Driver and Cook, Supervisor of Kinkos-Night Shift, Gardner, House Keeper, Child Care Provider/Baby Sitter/Mom/Wife, Volunteer Fire-Fighter-Class I, and continuing on in my younger days, Youth Leader of our Church, Youth Pastor, Volunteer Minister, Missionary Chairman, Sunday School Teacher, Church Choir Diredctor and Band Director, Movie Theater Receptionist/Cashier, and the jobs go on and on…

The Neothink Society with the Neothink business dynamics has really benefited me and it just keeps getting better and better. Looking back, until Neothink, I simply did not have the data on how to be more fiancially independent no matter how many jobs I had or how many businesses I attempted …


In my study of Neothink I have found some answers. You will have to find your own answers in Neothink and the Neothink Society for your questions. However, I will share with you a few of my eye-openers relating to security and safety.

Are you ready? Hold on to your seat some of this you may have never considered!

Here goes: I have found that with the Neothink data/knowledge it brings one to a higher level of awareness especially with regard to safety and security issues. From my experience of fifty (50) years or so I had accummulated many solutions or my own resolutions to security and safety issues, however with Neothink it just took me further along these lines for a higher safety consciousness life. With the knowledge learned I have avoided many of the problems which had in previous days taken me down or weakened me. For example, my preception in business negotiations and dealings began to be at a record high for me in that I was able to avoid before getting taken financially. Before, being involved, connected and apart of the Neothink Society, I was a constant ‘ginny pig’ for dishonest people. even my own family and friends, as well as some of those well intended Christian friends of mine from my past religious affiliations.

I was able to keep an accident from occurring: I shall tell you now. I had a vehicle put in the shop for maintenance and the repair fellows failed to tighten the hood down so as to keep it from blowing up or possibly off when I started driving, especially on the freeway. When I took a look at the vehicle, I first sensed something wasn’t right and as I walked around the vehicle, I noticed several things, but the hood not being fastened down securely and properly was the biggest. I do not want to even think what could have happened. Whatever could of happen, I stopped it. On several homes which I have either taken care of or partly owned, I noticed repair and/or maintenance work that was not done completely or correctly, that if not found could have and did present fire and safety dangers to me personally and my family. One incident, the repair guy did not connect the vent/pipe leading the heater fumes and/or smoke out of the house properly, by reviewing and just looking I saw this and was able to handle the leak and call the repair person back. Believe me, he got the safey lecture of a lifetime and I told his company to give the guys more safety training especially when they are dealing with these kinds of out-safety issues. Another time this past summer, while in my own transition, I was house-sitting for some friends and found a carbon-minoxide leak in the heater and hot water heater area. Even though I have been fire fighter trained and even tested this area with a gage, these friends were still in denial of this leak. This was absolutely crazy to me even after I offered to pay for it myself for the sake of sanity and safety reasons, I still had to fight and be presistent with these people to get this done. I finally, had to threaten to call the fire department and report this, because it was so bad that it presented a possible gas explosion for other homes on the block. Needless to say, these people are no longer friends, they do not value life nor safety nor the messengers of value. I went ahead and called a service person to look at the situation and offered to pay. The people got upset but paid the bill after verification from the service repair licensed gas technician that it registered very high on the gage and presented a fire and safety danger. I spent the next hour explaining fire and safety issues to these people.

I came to the conclusion that lack of safety and security is a disease and must be treated with the cure, which is training and knowledge in these areas.

I found in the Neothink Society and Neothink data, the agreement to help remedy the out-safety and security issues we see and experience daily not only personally, but on the community, city, national and global level.


I know that I will live a longer, healthier, wealthier, happier, safer and more secure life because of the Neothink knowledge and information with the Neothink Society.

Love to all,

Victoria W.