when I first received letters from Mark Hamilton it was an invitation to my first book. reading it I was most interested in knowing what this book was all about and I found that I knew deep down that there has to be some special significant reason and or purpose of this letter. especially when he says that his looking for some special someone/people. I found that things you were talking about was like your explaining about me., or similar experiences or trips that I’ve learned that I had, but don’t talk about you know?
I knew there has to be something more that I can do. I knew that what I had was way down deep still needed to be accomplished or awaking. I still need to find out what I am and need to be doing this all for the human race to better it and work a new system to help one another and try to work the land to start trading again. I mean world wide… And I know that with this new information I found?
this will help me accomplish my future goals still yet to come.
