I have bee searching all my life trying to answer the Question “how to have a better life and live a better life” my personal journey started at age 13 in civil rights movement searching for ways to make life better for a oppressed group.particularly black people. But as I grew in knowledge and wisdom that question expanded to include all oppressed working people and business owners who create jobs for society who bring a value to the world. Mark Hamilton invited me to read his Prime Literature, took me into a another world right here on earth, a quiet but powerful peaceful movement call The Twelve Vision Party {tvp} Mark Hamilton political platform totally different than any other platform I have seen. its call ” Make All The People Rich Including The Poor” it made my soul jump with joy finally a movement for different elements in our society. WOW I thought very powerful, that statement said a lot to me you mean I have a chance to be rich in this world as I know it. most working people believe they don’t have a chance, I am here to say yes you do look around at all the dishonesty being expose everyday Mark Hamilton movement represent pure honesty I am done with half truth and straight out lies. Mark Hamilton political movement stand on 2 pillars THE PRIME LAW of protection the natural law 0f no initatory force from the government on the people, and the PROTECTION ONLY BUDGET for the government so they will stop playing politic with our lives that put the American people safety first this will bring to light protection, protection, protection without that we run the risk of loosing all the value that society has gain. I have been a member for over 10 years this is truly a people’s movement that include all people from different background. when you read Mark Hamilton writing with a open mind with possibility of something new you will start to see threw the illusions that have us trapped in a upside down society, those illusions start to fall away like snow flakes on a bright sunny morning, Larry J.