Growing up I have always felt different, special, like I was meant to do or be something unique but could not put my finger on what it was. My childhood and teen years and now my adulthood has always been difficult and very little happiness. I never let that get me down as I have always felt there is something waiting for me. Oct. 12 2016 I lost my job. About 2 weeks or so later I received my first letter from you in the mail and I just knew I had to reply to the offer presented to me. The missing link I had been waiting so long for is here. I am honored and proud to be included and part of the Neothink Society. My destiny has arrived and I owe it all to you Mark! The waiting is over and I feel a sense of relief, thank you so very much, and I look forward to helping you and all the people in this screwed up world we live in now, to finally live the lives we are meant to live and be the people we are supposed to be! We couldn’t do it without you Mark! THANK YOU!!! Sherri in Lancaster County Penna.