To paraphrase Frank R Wallace…

Modern physics is pointing towards the idea that universes can come from nothing…. for the simple reason that ‘nothing’ is unstable… and something naturally breaks that unstable symmetry. Indeed, in this modern view…. nothing as the natural state is unthinkable (indeed, try to think of absolutely nothing, it is not doable). This can only mean that there is no place where reality is not. I see this as an analogy of the anticivilization. The anticivilization is also unstable… the only thing stopping the collapse of anticivilization ‘symmetry’… into the far more complex consciously created asymmetrical technological civilization is the Rule of Man. To paraphrase Frank R. Wallace… is the example of the seemingly jumbled mess of the asymmetrical car engine, compared to for example, the less complex, seemingly more symmetrical horse buggy.
Craig H.