Lost Limitations Started a Business

efore I was contacted buy Mr. Mark Hamilton.I was searching the internet for vitamins and let me tell you what an education!

“And that is a story in itself.”

Anyway in my search I found a new company who has put together new
products. Using an idea that was invented for people that are at risk
for heart-attack. Were they put a pill under their tongue when they feel
a heart-attack coming on. But now they have an intra oral spray because
it’s delivery system is much faster then the pill.
So I went to the website read about the products and saw a few video’s
about the products. Then I went to webmd to see what is being written
about some of the things I read and saw on video’s about the products.And I liked what I saw and read.
And then I became a customer and I am still a customer to this day.While
I was doing this I was also starting my journey with Mr. Mark Hamilton
and the Neothink Society.Then the Chicago TVP Convention & World
Neothink Summit 2009 happened.What an amazing trip and the amazing
people I meet and the amazing time I had.And at that convention it
acquired to me that I should try to start a business by becoming a
distributor of the company that I’ve been a customer of for the pass 3
or 4 months.

“And I did just that!”

But I’m sorry to report it wasn’t going anywhere.So I decided to look
into the Society.And found the Company Called NEI.And I was told in order to
get involved with NEI I would have to take a course in the
ISA Program.Also at the same time I was looking into the Host of
the New Neothink Radio Show her name is Kjelene Bertrand.
And believe it or not I started the ISA program and started Sponsoring
the Radio show on the very same day.

And even though I’ve learned about Positive Thinking or Self
Improvement Books,Nitty Gritty Details,Nitpick work Integration,Mini-
Day/Powerthinking Team,Iron Grip Control,Essence Meetings,Tracking
Reports The Bicameral Mentality.
And learning about people like Edison,Henry Ford,Einstein,Jack London,
Julian Jaynes,Ray Kroc,Donald Trump,Mr.J Hill,Juan T Trippe and
Mr. Mark Hamilton.

“Nothing came together for me till I did what I think is the most
important thing that has to be done before anything else.

“That is Removing Limitations!”

And I believe I did this before I even learned about Removing Limitations!
I believe that I removed my Limitation when I decided to take the ISA
Program and Sponsoring Kjelene Radio Show. That was 11 week ago.I also believe in what was told to me in the beginning that even though I don’t come away knowing everything I’ve read in the Three Heirlooms that I would still take in the important things that stimulated my mind even though I didn’t realize that at that very moment.That reading the first time about removing limitations was important enough to stimulate my mind to remove my limitation to start the ISA program and Sponsor the radio show. Which in turn helped grow my business and made me realize the heirlooms are a constant value the more you read them the more you learn that you didn’t get in the first reading. With that said!
I went from just being a distributor to a distributor with 5 people in
my down-line.And as I’m writing the testimonial. I’m also preparing for my
first business conference call tonight May 18 2010 at 7pm EST.

And all this is happening because of Mr Mark Hamilton and his Amazing Multi-Generational Manuscripts,NEI,Kjelene
and her NeothinkRadio Show and the ISA Program.And continuing to remove my
limitations were ever I find it.

And I didn’t even mention the other things I’ve got going on within the
TVP.And the Neothink Society and getting my State TVP Affilation going
And now I have my own slogan

Make It A Product Day Everyday!
One Step At A Time!

Thomas S.

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