I would like to say I am honored

First, I would like to say I am honored that someone of your stature and intelligence would consider me as a leader.

I am not a politician and do not profess to be. In fact, I dislike politics, not because we do not need politics. To the contrary, we need a governing system in order to maintain some type of order and discipline. The prime law does just that. What I do not like is the total dishonesty (the mysticism) that runs ramped with the politicians regardless of the political group or the office held.

When I was first contacted by Neo-Think Society, I had to read the information several times because it was difficult for me to believe that someone or an organization would seek me out. I was not excited because of the mention of riches, although I like money just as much as anyone else, but it is the fact that there is a society which stands for honesty and compassion for everyone.

The Neo-Think Society thought me worthy to join them, to help spread the secrets of true and pure honesty. The Neo-Think Society stands for health, wealth, and equality for each and every individual. When the creative Neo-Thinkers and doers become more and more the bi-cameral individual will disappear.

Since the Neo-Think Society contacted me and I was exposed to the Mark Hamilton manuscripts I, II and III, I have become even more aware of people of their reactions, mannerisms and habits. Bi-cameral mentality is so widespread throughout civilization, that it is almost frightening. If the mysticism in our anti-civilization does not change “The Prime Cure” will not be able to exist. The Twelve Visions-Party will not become reality. The anti-civilization we now live in will continue to grow and get worse; therefore, the was of two worlds will become humans’ demise.

The “Miss Annabel’s Secrets” was not just an interesting or fine novel, but it is about as true as it gets. It represents how the conscience individual rises to heights of accomplishments and creativity. “The Miss Annabel’s Secrets” depicts pure honesty, the dreams and hopes for all humanity.

The one thing or sayings of all the manuscripts are the neo-tech rules, and the one rule of all the rules was number 10 “the most important and the most powerful is the self conscience individual”. As I watch and listen each day, I realize and can distinguish the self conscience from the bi-cameral individual. The self conscience is aware of all that is happening around them. They know what they need, what they want, and what it takes to get or achieve their goal. They are not waiting for someone to dictate how, what, or where. The problem is there is not enough of them , which has allowed the neo-cheaters to control our do’s and don’ts with their metaphorical and subliminal messages. Many times that not are lies and broken promises. By the time is has been realized, the damage is done and the weak and poor are most effected.

Mr. Mark Hamilton’s Twelve Vision Party (T.V.P.) is designed to do away with neo-cheaters and would-be dictators. Bust first, the anti-civilization must be made aware of the endless capabilities and opportunities, the happiness, the increase in health and welfare and enjoy in the decline in the diseases of the mind. Twelve Visions Party offers all of this and more. It offers equality for everyone, not just the rich. For the neo-tech world, everyone has the say, choice, good health, and wealth. There will be no room for neo-cheaters or mysticism – just pure honesty.

Neo-Think Member
David H.

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