I would like to thank Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society

I would like to thank Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society for opening up an entirely new world of wonder and contentment.  They have opened my eyes and my heart and made me realize that with Neothink, the TVP, true honesty and dedication we can change this crazy mixed up world for the betterment of all.  The world needs to see that love, honestly and a new way of thinking can and will change everything for the better, as it has in my life as well as my family.
I am sure that there will opposition, people who will try to make us look like a bunch of kooks.  We are not, we are a proud group of ordinary people who have discovered the truth about society and it’s hoax.  The hoax that drags you down to make you believe that you can’t make a difference.  Believe me you can!  You can be, do or have anything and everything you want.  All you have to do is BELIEVE IN YOURSELF.  YOU HAVE THE POWER!!!
Very Sincerely,
Kimberly J. C.

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