I Feel Lucky to be with Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society

Hello everybody .
My name’s Issa F
I have been holding this for almost 10 months ,thinking that tomorrow I’ll gain deferent knowledge and integration and so on, the fact is true every day I’ll gain a new knowledge and integration , but that will never stop it’s on going integration.
I’m here to share with you and everybody out there to share the feeling of happiness and exhilaration   to life I have gained since I got exposed to the heirlooms and the society, I really started to enjoy life more than before and every act I do, I started  playing making  my living, truly words are not enough to describe what I’m going thru from happiness , peace of mind,finding my true me (the child of the past) and really really healthier  knowing where I’m at and knowing  where I’m /  we’re going, knowing that we’re moving thru to a life where we can but we will be hundreds but thousands of times happier  and wealthier  and healthier  than what we’re right now.
It all starts with finding your self and who you are and who you meant to be , finding the child of the past ,start feeling Love to life and to everybody who’s a life,  to be and have  all of this will be gained by being  with this society and become knowledgeable with the heirlooms.
I can say this, I really feel lucky to be among this society, in the other hand I feel that I did make my luck  by allowing my self to except  Mark’s invitation and being involve with the society therefor I’m creating my future luck, wouldn’t you want to feel and make your luck.
I did my self a favor and did you a favor, because I’m in a stage  where I love you whoever you are and want you to experience and live the life you deserve , and you will be the same when you become knowledgeable with the society and the heirlooms.
the last think to say and should be the first is that Mark you’re the father of all of us even thou you’re younger than most of us, but a father in a since of finding this movement and looking after us, We Love you and will always be.
thank you Mark and thank you all for reading ,,, I know that I’ll see around.
Love to all

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