Don’t Let Life Get You Down

n 2006 my career, and seemingly my life came crashing down with a crush foot injury I had received during work.   I had just completed my BA program and was assigned a term assistant teaching position while I finished up the credentialing process as a Special Education Instructor.

Working in the education field for 14 years caused me to really evaluate my self, my actions, and those instructions which I gave to my students.   This self evaluation occurred because over the years I continued to witness the removal of our society from that which is ethical, honest, and of real worth.    So many governmental regulations, taxations, and suppressions of our economical abilities caused even the middle class to feel the pinch of America’s financial burdens.

As politicians were giving themselves $ 100,000.00 annual raises; school budgets were being cut so drastically that many educational staffers, like me, were finding themselves spending their own monies to supply students and classrooms with needed educational materials.

I guess I began to feel, after spending so much time trying to finish my education while working full-time, and as a single parent of a disabled individual; that perhaps there was no real purpose in attempting to contribute my efforts to an educational system that totally disallowed the needed funding to educate students in a manner competitive with those other higher scoring educational systems throughout the world.

In example, the United States scored in a rank of 6th place in overall academic achievement when compared to international test results throughout the world.   This is a disgrace.

It appears that, because of greed, individuals have placed a higher priority on providing for themselves within their elected positions than that of fulfilling the purpose for which, we the people, elected them into their held positions.  So as I approached the actual teaching of my own classroom, I did so with regret and doubt; then came the injury which put me out of work and along with my crushed foot, really crushed my dreams and ideas about what I wanted out of life.

It was at this time that I received an invitation to join the Neothink Society.  The invitation interested me and in joining the society, I did so with great apprehension.  I had already come to the conclusion that many social organizations were being run by the same types of administrations that robbed the school systems.

However, after reading through Mark Hamilton’s writings I could see no falsification of truth into some type of self attaining manipulative intent for which I had come to know so well in the school systems.  In fact, all of his writings are geared to helping the individual live a better life; and within the Neothink Society he provides opportunities to prosper in many ways, including monetarily.

I have met with many Neothink members, and enjoy the socialization I receive during these visits.   You see, the Neothink Society operates under the philosophy of a Prime Law Objective.    Basically, the Prime Law is one of non-initiatory force being levied in any way over one’s individual life, their organizational developments in business, or as may pertain to the establishing and keeping of their personal property.

There is a balance of honesty within the Neothink Society that everyone respects and enjoys.   This has, and can only generate love and honesty within our Neothink relationships and those joint creative developments for which we all have come to enjoy.

What I began to realize in reading Mark Hamilton’s materials was that,…

“Wow, the entire purpose in Mark Hamilton writing his materials is to give people an understanding of how we can again enjoy living an exhilarating life style!  We can live without forced taxation, we can live without governmental mandates on the choices we make with regard to our health care needs, and we can establish our own personal entrepreneurial enterprises under the Prime Law without forced back types of regulations controlling our growth and prosperity.”

All people should be allowed to create value within a society without continual governmental manipulations, without the suppression of living under ever increasing taxation; now being rendered through hidden fees; which is fraud and widely practiced in many governmental agencies today.  These things prevent the American people, the individual, and our civilization itself within America from flourishing as it should.

I am very happy to have become a member of the Neothink Society, and a registered supporter of the Twelve Visions Party.   The Twelve Visions Party is joining hands with Americans’ across the country to lift them up and bring prosperity into their lives; just as reading and implementing Mark Hamilton’s ideas has done for me within the Neothink Society.

Thank you, Mark Hamilton…  You are the voice of reason calling out in this wilderness that has become our  society, saying, “Come, and Live the Life Your Were Meant to Live.”

I understand, Mr. Hamilton, that it is your intention to lift up each individual in America and as your TVP 2012 Platform states, Make All The People Rich!, Including the Poor!

Thanks a Million…

Elaine R.


  1. Thanks to dr. Wallace & mark Hamilton I am on the way to the life I’ve been intended to live from the begiNing. Neo- think is changing my life one day at a time. I’m so greatful. I agree w/all of you!

  2. It all started back in the 1980,s in 1988 with first receiving the neo-tech discovery by Dr. Wallace. Since that early beginning we have grown tremendously as people ,business ,goals ,dreams. Neothink is such a powerful tool for living the life you,re meant to live and to release the genuis of soceity. A big thank you to Mr.Mark Hamilton.

  3. Have been an active neo-thinker for 2 year now & the difference in my life from then to now is happy with myself for the first time in my life and happy in my life…am continuing to grow & am in the process of becoming the person was meant to be from the beginning of my life! am greatful for the mentors in my life & very happy with the friendships I’m building with active participation in neo-think. thanks to frank r wallace & mark Hamilton for bringing this new knowledge into my life..for helping me to become the person I am meant to be..and for making it all day at a week at a time!!

  4. Alex Abrams says

    I just received Neothink book a few days ago.’
    Am reading it every day.
    The story may start a little slow but picks up after maybe 30 pages and keeps picking up. Is difficult to put down now.
    Have been different my whole life.
    I have done well in life, then became entangled with the wrong woman. After 5 years, she cleaned out my checking and savings. Am completely broke now. Am 57 years old, diabetic, in stage 4 kidney failure. I have never given up. This could save my life.
    Will let you know.

  5. Dottie McElroy says

    I have really enjoyed reading your stories and comments. I am a member of the Society, but I haven’t been able to get the last book of Mark Hamilton. I want it and plan on getting it, but I haven’t had the money to so. I am not sure when I will have it. I am not an active member and I see now that I need to be, but waiting on getting the last book. Love to all and God Bless

  6. Dottie McElroy says

    I don’t know where to start. I was married young and had 2 sons 3 years apart. The man I married was a School boyfriend. Very dominate. Lasted 10 years when he decided a younger girl was more fun. This is a story in itself, but I will move on. We divorced and I had to go outside the home to work. I got a job. I had to get a sitter for the boys. All was good for a few weeks until I had my first date. From there for 15 years I lived a life of hell with my ex the father of my boys. Finally when the boys was older things started to change, but always he had to see me every 6 mo. regardless. My life has always been up and then down. I would have money and then I wouldn’t have a dime. Right now I have $4.59 in my account and I don’t get paid until next week. I have been told for over 2 years that I have money coming from a government sweepstakes but they keep saying I am going to get it But they need another receipt. I could write a book with my life, but I have chosen not to. I would narrate but not write it. Thanks for letting me write just a tad. I will look forward to more stories. I am glad Mark Hamilton came into my life, I only wish it had been 25 years earlier.

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