t was a dark and stormy night…So begins many a satire oriented opening line for a mystery short story. Hadn’t thought of this being a mystery, but in a way it might appear like one to some. Even to myself, until it became clear to me what had actually happened.
The rain and lightning and thunder was intense. I was sitting cross-legged on my bed, three windows lined up to my right, about a foot and a half from the bed. I had been through many a storm at night like this. I was on the first of the Writers/Poets Mastermind Conference Call, chatted a little with a member, and then a lady came on to record the call. I needed to leave the call temporarily a few minutes and then returned.
The lightning and thunder was severe, then the rain began to literally pound hard onto the windows, as I became aware of a sound. Listening intently, it was difficult to hear through the rain and thunder, but a sound gradually emerged. About that time, I became aware of a subtle vibration coming up from the ground up through the floor into the mattress that I could feel with my bare crossed legs. The vibration and sound became more pronounced and then quite strong, as it penetrated my awareness that a Tornado was about upon me.
Suddenly, the phone and lights flashed and popped and went out, the power zapped. The vibration was gone with that. The rain, lightning and thunder ultimately loud and intense. Then it seemed to recede a little, and I marveled that I was ALIVE. That Tornado had jumped me. Suddenly the intensity of rain, lightning and thunder returned, and I realized another or the same Tornado might come again, and all I said out loud was ” I want to LIVE, I want to stay in the body”…this was all I wanted to express. I realized in a split second this time that I could be afraid, or take a victim stance, but went directly to the Universal Energies to say what I wanted, no other stance seemed natural to me.
The phone still was working a short time later, and I called in to say I had to leave, but I don’t think I was heard. Shortly, I heard alot of sirens, police/ambulance/firetruck, off in the distance…then a number of people with Emergency vehicles, flashlights were coming down the 2 laner in front of where I live, checking things out. I heard them shout that they were blocking off entrances and exits to our whole community, and for people who were safe to stay in and not get out to try to go anywhere. There were power lines down and the tornadoes had hit alot of places in this little community! The next day my sister said it looked like a bomb had hit parts here, especially before and after where I live.
Synopsis: Evidently there were 3 Tornadoes in our lil town. The National Guard was sent in to search and rescue, and transport people out to the hospitals. Half an hour later ~10pm there were 2 Tornadoes in a small town below us on the map. I heard there were mostly reports on Missouri & maybe Tennessee.
Later someone said to me “What a horrible day I must have had on Friday. I said back “It was a great day before the Tornado, then it was magnificent=I’m ALIVE!”
Considering back over the entire experience, I realized that Neothink comprehension, even over the forces of Nature, is to recognize the “what is”. The “what is” was that I was about to be entangled with a Tornado, and it had come up so suddenly that I was unable to do absolutely anything to help myself in any way. I was aware when going over in my mind later, some of the principles I had been in discussions about, at the time of approach, on observation I did not “resist” nor “accept” anything that was going on or any consequences anticipated. I strictly was in comprehension in observance of the “what is” of the situation. I was only BEing with the “what is”.
Just BEing…Then I had a 2nd chance to BE SOMETHING ELSE, but all that wanted to come out of me was what I wanted: “I want to LIVE, I want to stay in the body”. I spoke from the heart, from the core of me.
This is Neothink and its power if we align with the Universe in the direct heartfelt from our soul-core way of BEing. This is as honest as we can get, this thrust for LIFE to be able to live out the All that is in us, each in our unique way, peculiar to each of us!
Love Your Self, Loving All peoples in your own way, whatever that may be…
Lila B.
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