(The Twelve Visions) (the twelve strand helix DNA) this is a valuable work from Mark Hamilton .everyone should believe it use it try it. but don’t destroy it .there is no more time to explain everything about this death world we live in. the climate is increasingly abnormal and this cause terrible problem for humanity. many types of tensions increase everywhere. the future appears very uncertain. what world we would still live in tomorrow if we don’t get into the twelve vision by Mark Hamilton. once you get into the twelve vision you will see everything yourself, proof it for yourself .once you get into thee twelve vision you discover your child of the past (who mean to be) then you are back into the twelve strand helix DNA. right now you only use 2percent of it or use the specialize thinking rather than use it in full who you meant to be with the survival mode.(integrate thinking)or power thinking. twelve vision is important to us because it really show who really are us. without that we only do copycat along. instead of showing what you meant to be, who you meant to be. stop believe in bible and Jesus because your not going anywhere , bible translate so many times rewrite so many times and along with a ghost writer, the ghost writer only write what he feel to write in the bible to manipulating you. and along with the story of the twelve disciples. let me ask you how many times JESUS answered all your prayer? you know Jesus is a human being just like us too, he can create power himself, so to you ,with the twelve vision, strant DNA you can too. why did JESUS can do some amazing magic power and also his a carpenter too, why, Ill give you a little puzzle of it .Jesus can turn stone into bread and fish, to feed thousand people and why don’t he just keep doing that turn everything to what he wants, instead of waste his time doing carpentry work too. he is building a big house, but what is that for, why is he building a house. what is that for. his trying to show us something a picture, before he build the house ,he build something first, what is it. the foundation for the house the foundation for everything in live is love. then he build the rest of the house, so everybody can come together and share their creativity. but what is all this mean well it means that Jesus is a creative person too and only use his power with noble purpose only. see with see if we can picture that and get into the twelve vision we can be just like him, we will see his father land, lets get into the twelve vision and start crossing the red sea ,away from been slavery all our life, you think paradise and Hell is out there waiting for you, your wrong paradise and hell is here on earth with us every single day, hell is burning you every single second each minute each day, until you free yourself from been slavery to government and churches, they are manipulating you every single day, so you cannot find out who you meant to be ,once you free from slavery into the twelve vision you are free from hell you live in the fathers land where no more pollution, disease free and rejuvenating, you will believe Mark Hamilton’s work the twelve vision because it work and its growing you ,you don’t want to be the last still left in the (9to5 ridden job.)the pleiadian message/ the pleiadian are from a star system called PLEIADES. this star system is a small cluster of seven star located in the constellation of TAURUS the bull. it is some 500 light year from planet earth. they are humanoid race (very similar to our human race)who visit earth more often, and with whom we share a common ancestry. the peleiadians are very ancient race of extra terrestrial. they have kept a record of the complete history of earths human evolution from the very beginning to our present time. the peliadians says that our earth is 626 billion years old. prime creators brought energies and essences of life-extensions of itself-into this universe and endowed those extension with the gift that IT had. IT said to those extension of itself”, “go out and create and bring all things back to me”. in other words ,prime creators was saying .i am going to gift you of myself. you go out and gift yourself freely so that all you create in this universe can understand its essence as my identity. EONS ago, earth was thought in the mind of some of prime creators extension -some great beings or creators gods-who had set before themselves the task of creating new form of existence. earth become a beautiful place, located on the fringes of one of the galaxy system and easily reached from other galaxies. some of the creator gods were master geneticists then designed various species, some human, some animal, some plants, etc. by using varieties of DNA that the sentient civilization contributed to make earth a light center of information. there were magnificent species of humans on earth some 500 years ago who developed very highly evolve civilization. we are not speaking of civilization like LEMURIA or ATLANTIS. to us those are recent civilizations. earth was a prize hunk of real estate and was eventually coved by others creators gods who didn’t thrive on love but on negative energies. after a hostile encounter they took over earth about 300,0000 years ago. these new owners -the majestic beings spoke of in the old testament the Babylonians and the Sumerians tablets-desire earth for selfish reasons-as children idolize those who can do what they cannot do. you have confuse the creator gods with the prime creators. also master the geneticists, they altered your 12 strand helix DNA into a 2 -strand helix DNA. because you know too much, they turned a magnificent human race into a doile, easily as controlled species with limited capacities .that is now you are now only able to use only 5% of your mental capacity, and why your lifespan has been reduce to 10% of its original duration. however, the original DNA patterns was left within the human cell, but it was not functional, it was unplugged. what part you play in the story? the original creators gods are not about to lose that which they created. do you think that they are going to give so easily? you are all the member of the family of lights. even though you are not aware of it yet, you volunteered to come back to earth to assist in the transition. to some of you may just sounds like a dream. we have come to trigger your memory bank so that you will remember your godhood ,your connection with prime creator and with that all exist, to alter the frequency on this planet ,and to assist you to become magnificent human beings again that you use to be. the original creators gods thrive on love, and the earth raiders need fear and dependency as their food source. it is hard for you to understand this concept because your food is physical. guess who is removing the food source from the earth raiders? YOU ARE.! as a member of the family of light you are renegades, you are system buster, here to show the rest of the planet that there is no reason to fear anything. as you lift your frequency you effect everyone. there are many who already understand their mission, and there are those who are just beginning to awaken-your DNA will evolve from 2to 12 helixes. this 12 helixes correspond to energy center inside and outside of your body which import incredible power. initially this will be CHAOS and confusion which must come to break down the corrupt old system, so it can be rebuild with light. end. all of you have dormant within you certain power and attributes that remain to be exercised that would lift you completely from yuor plights of the present and give you rulership overall that thwarts you the chief among the talent you posses, but neglect, is the miracle of thoughts, and what thought perform. so lets not destroy value anymore instead of creating more.
thanks MAX T. F.
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