Since I have read all the manuscripts that cover business and life in general. I have applied these methods to my business and life. I have applied the mini day to capture things I love most in my life and ward off those eneties of stagnation to keep every day fresh and with purpose.
Things have moved so fast in my life. I now have to incoporate tracking reports to keep me on top of things that are going on each day. I have used the mini day to run many different thinhs at once, and the split run allows me to test the waters in business and life.
My decision making has become clear and many instances I react now without thought. I just do it and learn from the out come. So beneficial is the split run to me that it has moved me into the position of Chairman of the TVPTN. I now have this responsibility along with running my many businesses at one time. Yet I am happy and filled with purpose as I continuely move forward on all fronts.
I hope to one day shake your hand Mark Hamilton for your insight and wisdom. The traits many of us take for granted every day you apply with just a thought. Now we too can educate ourselves and through that driving passion that burns in us all, come together as one to create a powerful source in the erradicating of ruling class man.
With much love from the Coker family. Thank you for your creative values.
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