The Twelve Visions Party – TVP – offers real solutions

The Twelve Visions Party – TVP – offers real solutions to the greed and politics going on in Washington right now. Voting out the Democrats and voting in the Republicans and then voting out the Republicans and voting in the Democrats, etc. has been going on for years. Why do we as a people expect anything to change when we do the same thing over and over and keep sending the same POLITICIANS over and over back to Washington D.C. They have proven over and over that they are more concerned about themselves than they are with this great country we live in and the people who live here. TVP is a real change. It stands for real changes to the system and not the Good Old Boy way of doing things that will take care of the few. I am excited that there is finally an alternative. An alternative is needed now before it is to late for anyone to pull us out of the hole the current GROUP in power is leading us. It is not Democrats V Republicans. It is POLITICIANS V our way of life and our very freedoms.


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