Recently I was asked, “How important has Neothink been to me personally”?
Frankly, when I was asked this question, I could not fathom where exactly to start. It took me a few days just to absorb the depth of the question because Neothink has literally encouraged and improved every facet of my life thus far.
So, what I will do is tell you in the order in which it changed my life.
First, I was sent an invitation, one of many I receive weekly. Normally, I read a paragraph or two and to discover what it is about then toss it in the trash. However, in this case, I could not put it down. It then sat on my desk and in my mind for a few weeks. Upon reading the letter again, I immediately accepted the invitation with a touch of the normal skepticism.
When I got the first book, I thought. “I’ll never get through this”, as I have not read but MAYBE 10 books in my 35 years of life at that point. But, I had the perfect opportunity to read it the next week on a cross country flight. Once I “trapped myself” on the plane, I dug in! Just in the first 100 pages or so, I was having light bulbs going off right and left. The passengers in my row must have thought I was nuts! I was nodding, laughing, taking notes and saying, “Oh, that’s how you do that!” during the entire flight. By the time I landed, I had my entire week upon my return scheduled out. I knew exactly what I had to do, how to organize it, and the steps to accomplishing my goals.
Once I arrived home, I was implementing what I’d learned and saw my business production escalate many times over that year. The newest division of my real estate company went from a modest $2,000 gross monthly income to during the first quarter to over $96,000 gross income that December!!!
During that year, the books kept coming —– faster then I could read them —– but I kept right on reading!!! When I read the books, I read things that sometimes seemed repetitive, sometimes made absolutely no sense to me, and the things I was learning seemed to not at all be related in any way, but I kept reading. The entire time, I was doing my best to teach different principles to my staff and inner circle of friends. This proved to be difficult, as the boss it appeared to be thrusted upon them, an unwilling audience, so I stopped …. But I kept reading!
During that first year, my eyes became wide open. In other words, I began to see things for what they were. I could suddenly see things that were right in front of me the whole time. Like that darn ketchup bottle you can’t find in the fridge door and some one else reaches right in for it! I could now reach right in and “grasp it”. “It” was not a ketchup bottle though; “it” is those answers to life’s questions we all ask. Those questions I have asked myself, my priest, my teachers, my friends, my parents and anyone else that would listen, no one of which could answer them to any satisfaction! Eureka!!!! Those things that I had been reading all year, the ones that made no sense to me at the time, they suddenly snapped together! I now have those answers I have been asking all my life!!!
During that first year, I also learned about what TRUE love REALLY looks like! This seems even now so odd to say, however, how many of us REALLY have seen TRUE LOVE??? Since you have less then a 50% chance of a successful marriage these days, I’m willing to bet most of you have not seen it, as I had not yet seen it at the time. Once I could see what TRUE ROMANTIC LOVE is, I could then identify that I was NOT in a healthy relationship FOR ME. Not only was I able to end it, but also how to do it peacefully without degrading my now ex’s personality, pride or significance in my life for nearly 15 years. I am now freed of that burden that I knew existed in my life. I am now free to seek the TRUE LOVE of my life!
This Love that I had discovered, not only had I seen how it should be in a romantic relationship, but also in a TRUE FRIEND, relationship. This became apparent immediately upon connecting with other Neothink members. No more were we associated with people based on how they can advance us in one way or another, or by what we want others to think of us by associating with those people. We are united in common goals. The common goals of working with HONESTY and LOVE for fellow man within the carriers OF OUR CHOOSING and having FUN doing it! This bond is stronger then ANY BOND, with the exception of my Mother, I had ever been witnessed to. When meeting fellow Neothinks we greet each other with the most sincere hand shakes, hugs, and laughter! That bond is solid, like that of those families I had envied in years past.
This new FUNCTIONAL family has been there for me, advised me, listened to my frustrations, mentored me, and encouraged me with no judgment like NO other family I have EVER seen. The MOST REWARDING is, I have been able to return the favor to so many and we are all growing from it!
My amazing Neothink Family comprises of many. My Neothink family comes from different cultures, races, religions, sexual orientations, socio economic levels, and educational back rounds. My Neothink Family is comprised of everyone from the construction workers, business owners, self made millionaires, billionaires, celebrities, scientists, doctors, military personnel, and back to social security recipients. The one thing we have in common …. We to contribute MORE VALUE TO SOCIETY then we take from it! We are going into a world full of people telling us that we can’t do it, when in all actually we not only CAN we do it but, WE DO, and WE WILL!
SO, for all those out there trying to bash a group of Loving, Honest, Self made Success Stories… Remember, when you point one finger at someone else in hate, there are three more fingers pointing right back at the one you truly hate. (YOU) Without Love for one’s self you cannot truly love another.
Most Sincerely,
Steven H.
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