Neothink has given me the friends I always dreamed of having. Those who are unafraid to play the game of life on a huge scale. Those who are unafraid of “hard” work, losing face because honesty and integrity rules our hearts. We want to help others rise up through and through. We stand for humanity and the spirit of humankind to love and help one another. Neothink has broken down for me the myth of individuality and every man for himself. I have become literally abundantly surrounded by life-long soul-mates who share the same vision and who are just as passionate about living as I am. The world is my family – the family I love and cherish. And not only my family but the best business partners as well.
Neothink has given me to the confidence to quit my job, live life with passion and purpose, and become more efficient at everything I want to do in life. I have not become rich. I have not become a supermodel. But I have the tools to become both of those and I know with a certainty that I am on my way to doing so. Neothink has also shown me that there is something greater and bigger than these values of beauty and riches. That is life itself. It is sacred. Neothink has given me the ability to have control over every aspect of my life, from my health to my work life, to my financial life. I am single now (consciously) yet everywhere I go I am turning down offers for a relationship from good looking and charismatic men. I am doing nothing manipulative to attract them. I simply shine with confidence and vitality. I love my life and I love my health.
Neothink has also catapulted me into a world where corruption and greed are intolerable as a means of survival. The material is sold for a revolution of love and honesty and integrity and a faith in humankind that is unparalleled in any religion or any cult. In fact it strips the myths surrounding all of that so that one is left free to celebrate life to the utmost.
I haven’t applied everything Neothink has taught me or offered me. It isn’t the magic bullet, it never promises that once you swallow it your life becomes miraculous. You have to work to apply the concepts, techniques and tools. It’s not a religion, it’s not a cult, it’s not a scheme. At it’s most basic it’s probably the best self-improvement/how-to book you could ever read and the only one you will ever need to in order to succeed in life – spiritual, monetary, romantic, and health secrets are given abundantly without reservation or asking you to order anything else.
The authors of these concepts aren’t gurus to be worshipped. They are normal people that have come up with revolutionary ideas which are tantamount to anything I have seen or utilized before in my life. Even so, everything has room for improvement and room for error. Even the authors will admit this. The last thing Neothink is is a scam. There were never false promises. If something is going to take effort to apply, it said so. It doesn’t promise a million dollars the next day and a hot body by swallowing some ridiculously expensive pill. No some exercises take practice but they are worth every effort. Applying these techniques pays off every effort beyond measure in the fasted realistic material rational way. Neothink is real.
The amount of wealth that I have encountered from Neothink is incredible. While, I have learned to create more money more efficiently through the tools I have learned with Neothink, that’s not the only wealth I speak of. I have never met such generosity, faith, pure trust freely given, open-heartedness, maturity among a group of people until I came across my Neothink “family” in Washington State. It is truly wonderful to have this sort of affinity with people who are so different from one another, yet the adult shining love and joy of making a positive change in the world without selling, lying, or corruption. Sometimes we have our differences and frustrations with each other, but we are family, deep down. We forgive right away and get over our offenses quickly and right back to resolving each other and staying loving towards each other with incredible tolerance and trust. Knowing and feeling how I am supported all the way for who I am no matter who I want to be all the way by these true and ultimately trustworthy friends, family and business partners (some of which I have yet still to meet) is and being able to be completely honest with one another is just part of it.
While I am sure there are many other amazing and incredible things that will happen in my life beyond Neothink (I’m not preaching it as the be all end all to everything), I will share some concrete results.
I am happier
I have the friends I have always wanted
I can do almost everything I wanted twice or three times as fast as I ever have
I have enormous self-confidence in my abilities to work through things and handle nitty gritty details with ease
I have the know-how to run my own business and know I will make money at it
I have the tools to do twice as much with twice as less stress as I ever knew before
I have made more money more quickly on my own using these techniques
I have learned to maximize my time
I have learned what my real values are in life and I am no longer searching
I am living life with purpose and passion
I no longer have to sell, bribe, exaggerate, be dishonest, to sell anything, including myself to jobs, people, or anything else in life
I know that I can make time for social, work, play, relaxing, learning, travel, art, reading, hiking, exercise, dance, friends, and everything I enjoy in life while knowing I can make a decent living at the same time
My business life is also part of my social life and I do love it!
This is what Neothink has given me.
Maggie F
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