As the media crowd people’s heads with convincing illusions it’s important to remember that each individual has the ability to discern for themselves what is real and what is another whipped-up feeding frenzy of media-led illusion designed to destroy values you and others have created. Deep down we all know this. We are not fools. None of us. We never have been. We have always been able to discern the difference between right and wrong, honesty and lies. The problem has been that so many of us simply can’t be bothered so we allow the media to have that ‘responsibility’ on our behalf. To think and voice for us. To me, this is pretty much a stupidness disease. Having read the works of Mark Hamilton and having met many of the people in the Neothink Society, whilst not an official member myself, I have come to know and understand deeply the difference between an honest person, a value creator, and a dishonest person. On the surface, they may look and seem similar. However, as soon as I use my senses, as soon as I feel, I can tell the difference. The value destroyer will always feel and even smell like a value destroyer. I have learned how to rely on my own feelings and thoughts thanks to the works of great writers and thinkers such as Mark Hamilton. Most of us read stuff. Many of us watch TV that ‘tells’ us stuff. The TV and media become the ‘mama’ and ‘papa’ in our lives and we believe them. It’s simply a pack of lies designed to keep us asleep. As an individual it is my sovereign right to think for myself. I am no-ones apprentice unless I choose to be. I am no-ones ‘fool’ unless I choose to be. Most of us have given up that choice and said to individuals working within the media – here are my individual sovereign rights, please do as you will with them, you can have my power because I’m too busy, too tired, too old/young or whatever to think for myself. Mark Hamilton is an individual who has created a body of works which, if you read them with an open mind, will encourage you to become the individual you were always meant to be according to the design of your own created destiny – along with the perfect blueprint designed by nature/god, whatever you wish to call the universe. Mark Hamilton’s works have simply encouraged me to continue growing as the free and free-thinking individual I choose to be. There is very little other writing I have ever come across which does this so perfectly. Mark Hamilton is a good man according to my own methods of value judgment and his works are worthy of the status accorded to genuine literary, philosophical, and real advancers of humanity. I would always encourage anyone who is reading this testimonial to think for yourself, feel for yourself, and work out for yourself whom and what in your life is honest. You will find very little in the media that can stand up to the concept of honesty, and even less of the media who can live in the reality of honesty. They are not designed for honesty. They never were. Mark Hamilton is one of life’s individuals who frightens those who wish to control others. It can’t be helped. Bullies are usually scared of honesty and they do anything to avoid responsibility. There will be opportunities for us to use and appreciate our own honesty in every day – I’ve found I’m happier when I take those opportunities. Thanks to the works of writers such as Mark Hamilton, I have discerned for myself and chosen to use some of his suggested methods in order to improve my life and be a happier, better person. I can’t make anyone think or feel for themselves and nor would I wish to. But I can recommend that people find ways of thinking and feeling for themselves independent of the mass media programming they receive on a daily, relentless basis. Mark Hamilton and NeoThink are one of those ways. They are not the only way in my experience but they are certainly one of the most effective ways of supporting you in becoming a free-thinking, sovereign individual who is born with all the rights an individual ever needs to live a long, happy and fruitful life.
Thank goodness there are people like Mark Hamilton in life. He is a man of immense courage and honesty. I would encourage everyone to test their own and his honesty at all times.
Craig T.
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