Mark, Thank you. since the first letter I knew that there was more than just the idea of money, what attracted me was the fact that I stood at deaths door many times. I knew that the world was not what it seemed. I felt the failures and suppression my whole life. I worked numerous jobs and raised a family killing myself, barely paying the bills. It occurred to me I was following a false creed of an uncivilized world. I was bent against everything I felt inside. I always felt different than others, at times thought I was crazy and nothing made sense. Everyone kept telling me I was out there in nut world I started to believe them and came close to end of my life, then comes a letter from you, as I read it I began to see for the first time I wasn’t alone, I admit I cried a bit tears of joy that perhaps for the first time things would begin to make sense and I could learn how to put these thoughts to reality and understand my own thinking. Deeply embedded beliefs, false beliefs ran my life without purpose. They still buried deep and come out much easier to spot and deal with now compared to three years ago when I started learning the literature and mentoring calls. So much has changed since then. A man came and tried to take my home from me a year ago, because I learned from you I saw what he was for real and put a plan into action and in 6 days three hours I removed the threat and him from my problems, he said I couldn’t do it. he never spoke to me again and avoids me on the street, honest verse dishonest. he don’t like me and I could be more happy ,I have seen his ways all over town. much else has happened as well, long story short people know I’m different, see things they don’t see and call it as I see it with absence of fear. The society has given me a new life and purpose for that I’m very happy much yet to learn and do. Its been slow but speeding up as time goes. There is more I could say but best left for the time and place. The bindings on my books coming undone from reading, rereading, notations and study. so much to learn and understand. Thank you and all the mentors for all of this. The best is yet to come! Sincerely Dennis L.
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