This is a refreshing point of view! I just heard positive solutions to today’s government woes! We are not hearing anything new from our politicians. It is just the same old, same old. No more song and dance and dancing around the issues! We need real leadership and real cutbacks and real changes in Government. Now more than ever we need new solutions that will rescue the middle class and rescue the economy. In this period of history it is not time to sit on the sidelines. Our country needs us!
Kathleen T.
Neothink and Neotech is a blessing in my life . Thank you Father and SON for what you have done for and many many more.
The joy I feel in my heart today comes from the Neothink Society and reading the manuscripts that I have recieved from Mark Hamilton and Frank Wallace a Million Thanks !!!
I learn how to become the person that I dreamt about becoming by reading MARK HAMILTON book The 3000 – YEAR – OLD -SECRET , it can do the same for you try it you might like it.
My respect and appreciation to Mr. Hamilton and his family for an incredible job done with these books.These books open some eyes and change peoples lives.Thank you Mr. Hamilton.
Hello everyone,
All my life I know there was something different about me. When I was a little girl I always felt like a loner. I would play with other children but would soon walk the other way. There were times when I would see things that I knew others could not see. They never harmed me and I was not afraid. There were times I would have the same dream over and over again. Always going into a basement that was dark. I know there was something down there I could feel its presents. There was always a light in the back of the basement were it was, but I was too afraid to see it so I always ran back.
As I Grew older I continued to see, hear, and feel things. These beings seem to always protect me when I needed it. As far as church I could never get into it, I knew it was not right. I heardi voices in my mind telling me for years to join them. I asked them to give me more time, I was not ready. The day that I said to them ,( I am ready) I received a letter from the Secret Society.
I am a member now. And I am learning a lot. My goal is to find out who I really am and start my Destiny. I have always been able to create the things I want and talk to other beings and hear the frequency. Even go into other dimensions. I have been shown who my companion is. I have been show my pass and that I’m free from mysticism. But not my Destiny. So my journey continue.
Now though Neothink and the Secret Society I will learn be whole.
Thank You Mark Hamilton!