Mark Hamilton Literature !!!!!!!

The books are very good literature !!!!!! All true !!!!!! Better than biblia !!!!!! I dont know why they want to input you dow Mark Hamilton !!!!!!! You just forgot to write that Inside of Vaticano they do Satanic cults, today exist a underworld, our planet is hollow with a advanced civilization !!!!!! The New World Order want to reduce the population in the world for 500.000.000, that means , they PLANE kill lots of peoples !!!!! What else ??? The elite all ILUMINATI CRIMINALS !!!!!! The alliens are already here, and the governament knows about and have contact with them !!! [ BASE DULCE, AREA 51]…… Rittler didint die in the end of the 2 WAR !!!!! WE LIVE IN A FAKE WORLD !!!! NOBODY PROUVE ABOUT GOD EXISTENCE, BUT NOBODY KNOWS WHERE WE GO AFTER LIVE !!!! INVISIBLE POWERS EXIST !!!!! BUT I THINK THAT THEY HAVE NO MORAL TO STOP YOU MARK, THEY ALL BANDITS CRIMINALS !!!!!!!!! WHAT THEY HAVE TO WORRY IS; STOP THE WAR IN THE WORLD !!!! PAZ, PAZ, PAZ IN THE WORLD !!!!!! they must tell the true to everyone !!!!!!! NOW !!!!!!!! LIBERDADE,IGUALDADE,FRATERNIDADE, LIBERTAS QUE SERAS TAMBEM !!!!!!!!!

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